1. There is Money in the Trash webinar:
TODAY: November 12, 2013
Time: 12:00 PM MST http://www.wsra.net/events/event_details.asp?id=369389
Christopher Laughman, of Graybar Electric, Inc., will describe how Graybar successfully
implemented a landfill diversion program which resulted in 50% cost reduction year-over-year. https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=registration.jsp&eventid=701358&sessionid=1
Sponsored by Washington State Recycling Association
2. North DakotaWebinar: Tracking Recycled Paper Purchases
The Responsible Purchasing Network’s Webinar describes effective strategies for gathering,
interpreting and presenting information on recycled paper purchases. You'll also hear how the
State of North Dakota's procurement office and print shop are working together to put some of
these best practices in place as part of their Greener Paper Project.
3. Retail Dining Operations: Opportunities for Source Reduction and
Effective Materials Management
Webinar: Thursday, December 12
11:00-12:00 pm MST
Register https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/703038408
Collecting food waste in retail dining operations is challenging but the opportunities for food
waste reduction are immense. Join us as we look at successful “reduce and reuse” strategies,
food donation programs, and unique materials management solutions for the dining hall and
“dining on the run.”
4. Crackdown on False Biodegradability Claims on Plastics
False marketing claims catch up with manufacturers of paper plates, ‘biodegradable’ additives,
plastic shopping bags and more. http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2013/10/greenactions.shtm
5. Green School Purchasing Resources
The Responsible Purchasing Network offers the following resources to schools:
The Healthy Purchasing for Healthy Schools guidance document, the Green Schools Buying
Guide, and a recording of the webinar: Green Purchasing for Schools: Save Money and
Reduce Your Environmental Footprint.