WasteP2 Listserve
June 5, 2013
Energy and Pollution Prevention Bureau
Department of Environmental Quality
Sandra Boggs
News and Updates
1. China Doesn’t Want Your Trash
This article touches upon the disconnect between the public and how plastic is actually recycled.
The article warns that Cities across the U.S. will soon have a very big problem.
2. OUCH! Why China’s Green Fence Influences Recycling
This blog does a good job of explaining why plastic recycling in the U.S. has got to change. In
fact, they make the point that recycling in general needs to be cleaned up and that MRFs are
ruining the U.S. ability to export quality recyclables.
3. China’s Green Fence Limits Recycling of #3, #6, #7 Plastics
Recyclers are pulling back on certain types of plastic recycling due to the lack of markets for
them. Far West Fibers president explained that his company now has 50 truckloads of mixed
plastics to sort again. The scrap needs to be sorted into the separate resins before they can hope
to sell the bales to overseas or domestic markets.
Chinese buyers are no longer accepting PVC (#3), Polystyrene (#6), and other mixed plastics
with the #7 on them. In the past, Chinese buyers would accept these undesirable plastics along
with the more valuable ones they are most interested in recovering. Customs in China are
tightening down on the amount of ‘trash’ brought into the country under the pretense of
-Oregon Public Broadcasting
4. This Politician Takes Pay Cut to Boost Recycling
Mayor Ray Vaughn of Olney, Illinois put his money where his mouth is upon announcing that he
will cut his own pay to boost recycling in the small city. The Mayor said that he would cut his
salary by 10 percent for a month and use the money to cover the first month's recycling bills for
the first 30 people who enroll in city's recycling pickup program in June.
Now that’s a good way to get publicity for a recycling program! Well done.
5. Webinars, Trainings, Conferences and More
June 20, 2013
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Setting and Sharing Standards for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Key
Aspect of Product Stewardship
Sponsored by Product Stewardship Institute
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June 25, 2013
Tribal Green Casinos: Resort Amenities
Sponsored by National Sustainable Lodging Network
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July 18, 2013
11 am
Full Wrap Shrink Sleeve Labels: A Recycler's Dilemma
Sponsored by Association of Post-Consumer Plastic Recyclers
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