Wednesday, February 20, 2013

House Bill 463 would help address metals theft in Montana

[Update: House Bill 463 has passed the House and Senate!]

Senate Bill 247 , passed by the 2009 Montana legislature established record keeping requirements for recyclers purchasing non-ferrous (e.g. copper) and precious (e.g. catalytic converter) metals. Any purchase of $50 or more must include a scan or copy of the sellers ID, a description of the vehicle and documentation of the purchased material.

House Bill 463 establishes that the damages caused by metals theft are based on the cost to restore the equipment or property affected by the theft to its previous condition. In many cases, the damages caused by this theft far exceed the scrap or recycled metal price of the material stolen.

This bill builds upon the original legislation which created a tool for law enforcement, recyclers, and effected communities and businesses to address metals theft. HB 463 set appropriate penalties consistent with other types of theft and recognizes the impact to public safety, private property, and community exceeds the raw value of the metal stolen.

Proponents included Recycle Montana, NorthWestern Energy, Pacific Steel & Recycling, BNSF Railway Company, Montana Retail Association, Gilman Construction (Butte), Montana Contractors Association, Montana Building Industry Association, Montana Telecommunication Association, and the Montana Electrical Cooperatives’ Association.

House Bill 463 has been transmitted to the Senate and was heard in Senate Business, Labor, and Economic Affairs March 6th at 9a.m. The bill passed unanimously on March 7th, with a minor amendment to clarify one line in the bill. The bill has passed the Senate and is now in the House for concurrence with the amendment. The House concurred on Second reading Saturday, March 23, and will vote again on Monday, March 25 during 3rd reading.  


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