[Posted with permission by Recycle Montana!]
WasteP2 Listserve
September 18, 2012
Energy and Pollution Prevention Bureau
Department of Environmental Quality
Sandra, sboggs@mt.gov
News and
One of Montana’s
biggest barriers to increased recycling is getting the word out about what can be recycled in each community. America Recycles Day, held every
November 15th, is a great chance to raise awareness of local recycling
resources and activities.
Please consider
organizing an America Recycles Day event -- on or around November 15.
America Beautiful creates materials every year for use by event organizers
for FREE! Use the resources to
promote recycling awareness, commitment and action in your community. In addition to a downloadable
“Go-to-Guide” to make it easy for you to organize a local event to get the word
out, also available are free America Recycles Day banners, bookmarks, buttons,
pencils, pledge cards and posters on a first-registered, first serve basis.
To set up an account and
register your America Recycles Day 2012 event go to: http://events.kab.org.
Thank you for your efforts to
engage your community and increase recycling.
P.S. Would you like ideas for an
America Recycles Day Event? KAB will be adding some activity ideas to the
website over the next few weeks. Please check out the website periodically for
these materials. Also, KAB will host a webinar for event organizers on October
3 from 2-3 p.m.ET. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/966340264
2. Recycling School Challenge 2012 – 2013
– Get Your School Involved!
Montana school’s have placed in the top three the last two
years! Let’s keep that record
going by getting your school involved in the 3rd annual Recycling
School Challenge by the Can Manufacturers
Institute. Fromberg won 2nd
place last year, and Cascade won 2nd, and 3rd place,
respectively, the first two years of the contest. Let’s get Wyoming’s Green Academy out of the top spot and
sweep all three awards! Find out
how to get your school involved here:
www.cancentral.com/Roundup/ Schools win cash prizes and more.
Check it out!
3. Recycle
Bowl Competition! Another Challenge for Schools
Keep America
Beautiful offers a separate competition with cash prizes and
more for participating schools. Montana Schools have already started to sign up
– get your school registered and compete with others to increase recycling
rates. http://recycle-bowl.org
4. It’s
Pollution Prevention Week!
Stop creating pollution in the first place! That’s the main idea behind this week set aside to encourage
healthier homes, work spaces and environments. Find tips from EPA on how to reduce pollution and your exposure to it. http://www.epa.gov/p2week/?utm_source=WSPPN+Newsletter+-+September+2012&utm_campaign=WSPPN+August+Newsletter&utm_medium=email
5. SmartPhoneTradeIn.com: New Service Buys
Phones from Consumers
GRC Wireless announced their recent online
service, www.smartphonetradein.com, which buys cell phones directly from consumers and
claims to pay ‘top dollar’ while committing to a Zero Landfill Policy.
STOP THE SERVICE! Avoid additional service fees. Be sure
to deactivate your cell phone service prior to releasing your phone to any
recycler or collection service.
WIPE IT CLEAN! Before getting rid of any cell phone,
remove your personal data. Most
phone models include a data erasing feature, most commonly found in the phone’s
menu. Data erasing instructions can also be found in the phone’s user manual. Most smartphones have a “master reset”
which returns the phone to original factory settings.
6. Solar
& Wind Energy Workshops: MSU Extension Service
Visit http://www.e3a4u.info/registration to learn
more about renewable energy technologies that are increasingly available to the
average homeowner. Workshops are
taking place in Lewis & Clark, Gallatin and Cascade Counties.
7. Webinars,
Trainings, Conferences and More
September 20, 2012
1:00 pm MT
Free to SEC members
Standard for Imaging Devices & Expansion of the
Electronics Challenge Program
Sponsored by the State
Electronics Challenge
(Sign up for Free membership!)
September 25, 2012
11 am – Noon
Recycling: Moving Beyond Bottles
by the Association of Post-Consumer Plastic Recyclers
October 4, 2012
11:00 am – Noon
FREE to State Challenge Partners
Stewardship for Imaging Equipment
Sponsored by the Federal Electronics Challenge
No pre-registration
required visit https://epa.connectsolutions.com/fec/ at the time of each call. Call in number 1-866-299-3188,
code: 202-564-8847
November 1, 2012
11:00 am – Noon
FREE to State Challenge Partners
Reuse and Recycling
Sponsored by the Federal Electronics Challenge
No pre-registration
required visit https://epa.connectsolutions.com/fec/ at the time of each call. Call in number 1-866-299-3188,
code: 202-564-8847
November 8, 2012
11:00 – 12:30 pm
& Verification: The Role of Recycling in Existing Sustainability Rating
December 6, 2012
11:00 am – Noon
FREE to State Challenge Partners
Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT), ENERGY STAR and FEMP
Sponsored by the Federal Electronics Challenge
No pre-registration
required visit https://epa.connectsolutions.com/fec/ at the time of each call. Call in number 1-866-299-3188,
code: 202-564-8847