"Why Is There A Plan? And What Is It?
The Business and Community Assistance Section of the Air, Energy, and Pollution Prevention Bureau, works to conserve resources and reduce the toxicity and amount of materials that go into Montana landfills. The Montana Integrated Waste Management Act (75-10-803 MCA), directs Montana to reduce the volume of solid waste that is either disposed of in landfills or incinerated. The Act also requires a written plan for managing wastes in accordance with the Act.The Act describes a strategy for integrated solid waste management and sets the following targets for increasing rates of recycling and composting in Montana:
- 17% of the state's solid waste by 2008;
- 19% of the state's solid waste by 2011; and
- 22% of the state's solid waste by 2015.
The Recycling and Marketing Specialists of DEQ promote achievement of the above targets through providing information to the public, business and industry on source reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting of wastes. The Specialists also work to expand the markets within Montana which can use recyclables and other 'wastes' productively, thereby eliminating or delaying disposal in landfills. Acting as a central waste management contact, the Section tracks waste reduction and recycling activities across the state and provides technical assistance to businesses, industry, communities, and individuals."
- From http://www.deq.mt.gov/Recycle/intewastemanag.mcpx
Posted by RecycleMontana.org!