WasteP2 Listserve
June 19, 2012
Sandra Boggs
Energy and Pollution Prevention Bureau
Department of Environmental Quality
[Re-posted with permission by Recycle Montana!]
News and Updates
1. Public workshop: FREE! Learn how to compost in Montana.On Thursday, June 21st, the Department is hosting a free workshop for the public on composting.
Cornell University’s Jean Bonhotal is the guest speaker and will share tips from her 20+ years of
composting all types of waste, including food scraps. Plan to attend this training at the Montana
Association of Counties headquarters in Helena: 2715 Skyway Drive, from 9am – Noon.
FREE REGISTRATION: https://app.mt.gov/confreg2/index.html, click on “Start” and select
“Home Composting Workshop” or contact Kathy O’Hern 406-444-9879, kohern@mt.gov
2. Free School Recycling Program from AppleThe Apple in Education Program is underway for 2012. This Apple program offers FREE
recycling to educational institutions throughout the U.S. All schools must be registered by
August 31st. A minimum of 25 items are required for the free pickup and recycling program. All
K-12 schools and universities and colleges are eligible for free electronics recycling under this
program. http://www.apple.com/education/recycling/
3. Sidney E-waste Collection is Thursday AfternoonDrop off unwanted electronics from 3 pm to 7 pm at the Richland County Shop. Find out more
here: DEQ Calendar of Events, (http://deq.mt.gov/Recycle/calendar.mcpx).
4. ANNOUNCING: Hi-line E-scrap Collection Events!
Are you located along the hi-line? Would you like to recycle your electronics? Recycling
groups, solid waste managers, community officials, businesses, the public (pretty much
everybody) is welcome to contact Sandra Boggs, 841-5217 or sboggs@mt.gov to find out how
your community can participate in a special electronic scrap recycling drive to take place this
August 6th – 17th. This e-scrap recycling drive is open to all communities, big and small, and it
will take community support to have a successful drive. (This is a special opportunity for the Hiline
area of Montana. If your community is not on the hi-line, just send a note asking Sandra to
contact you if an e-scrap collection is planned in your area.)
FREE recycling of electronic scrap will happen at all events. There will be no charge to
residents or businesses. EVERYONE can participate.
Community Responsibilities: Planning a successful drive will require partners in each
community that can help find a location for the event and assist with coordinating storage and
transportation of the collected items, in addition to other details.
5. Bricks anyone? Used bricks available.
A planned demolition project will generate 500 c.y. of used brick. The brick is considered
‘clean’ because it is not painted, but there will be mud/cement remaining on the bricks. The
brick is located in Livingston, MT. The brick is not available in small quantities.
Contact Sandra Boggs, 841-5217 or sboggs@mt.gov.
6. Webinars, Trainings, Conferences and More
[Recycle Montana Thanks Recycling and Market Development Specialist Sandra Boggs and Montana D.E.Q. for providing this update! - RecycleMontana.org]